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If you live or work near Newton, Halstead, Hesston, Sedgwick or Walton, you’ll want to know about the HarveyCountyPlus website.
You may have already seen the printed version of Harvey County Plus, which is delivered FREE to homes across Harvey County. But the business directory and coupons are also available now on its newly-redesigned website.
I searched through the coupons on the site and found several I thought were great. Since I’m partial to casual “hometown” eateries, I was happy to see coupons for several. I think these would be great places to stop on the way home from a fishing (or shopping!) trip. 🙂
Here’s a sampling of other coupons up at the site right now:
- Fox Ridge Golf Club (Fox Ridge Golf Club has several coupons available right now, ranging from 50% off a membership to a special family price for a golf cart and 9 holes.)
- $1 off one 1/4 pound of beef patties or brats at Chisholm Trail Country Store (You can use the coupon on up to four packages, mix and match. It’s a $1 off one 1/4 pound! That’s a rare deal, and a great find.)
- $12.99 for a balloon bouquet and 1/4 lb. of candy at Exquisite in Newton
- $1 off any burger or basket at Skoops in Hesston
Those are just a few examples of the coupons available at the Harvey County Plus website, which is a new advertising partner with Wichita on the Cheap. (They’re pretty smart.) There is also a Facebook page here: Harvey County Plus Business Directory on Facebook
(My favorite coupon up there — although I’ve never personally been to the store — is $1.00 a quarter-pound of beef patties or brats. I think if I lived closer to Newton I would be driving there right now to get my hands on that deal. Note: I just found out that the beef and pork at Chisholm Trail Country store is raised locally, naturally and with no hormones.)