Wichita on the Cheap

Live the Good Life for Less & Never Miss a Deal

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Submit Your Deal

Do you have an event coming up that you would like to add to our calendar? Please share the details with us after reading all the information below. By submitting an event, you are NOT guaranteed placement. Generally, if your event is an excellent fit for the site and you provide complete details with plenty of advance notice, we’ll do our best to get it on the site so people can find out about it. To see our rate sheet and guarantee the promotion of your business/event – Click HERE. The most common question we get is, “What do you consider ‘cheap?'” That’s a fair question – it’s just difficult to answer. If an event is discounted, FREE, or under $20, those are probably “cheap” enough, or if we think you get a lot for the price. If you aren’t sure, please feel free to email me and ask. Tips for submitting events to Wichita on the Cheap:
  • Write the event description as fully and thoroughly as possible. You may be reaching people who have never heard of your organization.
  • Remember to include your name and your position at the company/organization so we can contact you if we have a question.
  • Add all your event details and a good description for our readers. Remember that they will see words like “us” and “we” as being Wichita on the Cheap, so if you can write it in the third person, that will help keep things clear. Add as much helpful information as you can, like where to park, what to expect, what to bring, etc.
  • If you have a whole series of events, feel free to email them all at once.
  •  Please email = wotcinfo@gmail.com 
    • Photos, flyers, or graphics we can use to help promote. 
  • Allow ample notice. Two weeks is barely enough; up to a year in advance is fine! Really. 🙂