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Cardboard Carnage has teamed up with three FLGS (Friendly Local Game Shops) in Wichita to teach beginners how to play tabletop games. In an effort to grow the local tabletop gaming community, Cardboard Carnage invites anyone age 12 and up to participate in what they call “Tabletop University”.
Tabletop University is held on various days and locations, including Sente, Wizard’s Asylum and Hero Complex. A board game is chosen and the Cardboard Carnage team teach you how to play. These aren’t the typical board games you find in department stores, but more unique and unusual with zombies, dungeons, dragons, and comic book characters, etc. They usually announce games at least one week in advance. (RSVPs are appreciated if possible so they know how many copies of the game they’ll need to provide for the evening.)
Date: See schedule on Facebook
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Wizard’s Asylum, Sente and Hero Complex, Wichita, Kansas
Cost: Free
For more information and to view upcoming events, visit the Cardboard Carnage Facebook page.
Check out our article on Free and Inexpensive Places to Play Board Games in Wichita, KS for more tabletop gaming opportunities!