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Good news! If you are a Wichita resident who receives your water bill from Wichita Water Utilities, you may be eligible for a rebate on purchasing qualifying water-saving devices. The rebate is offered on a first-come, first-served basis to all active water customers.
The Wichita City Council approved $150,000 to continue the Water Conservation Rebate Program. The program encourages residents to purchase water-saving household devices by offering rebates in the form of credits to their water accounts.
The $150,000 rebate program funding allocation includes:
- $75,000 – allocation for City of Wichita residential customers who have active utility accounts with Public Works & Utilities for the delivery of potable water
- $50,000 – allocation for MABCD “Code Enforcement Liaison Program” to assist low-income homeowners with repairs related to water leaks and plumbing issues
- $25,000 – allocation for wholesale customers to administer their own conservation program
The application, list of qualifying items, program requirements and submittal instructions are available at Online and paper applications will be accepted through December 31, 2024, or until funds are exhausted. Rebates apply to any device purchased on or after January 1, 2024. Due to the current impact of the drought to the water supply, the rebate program has been revised to incentivize devices that will have the most immediate impact on water usage, specifically those devices that reduce outdoor watering and water loss due to leaks
General guidelines and eligible items are listed below. The City strongly recommends bringing a printout of the qualifying appliances for reference when shopping. There is a limit of five rebated items per water account. Rebates will not exceed the purchase price.
Rebates are available for up to:
· Dual Flush Converter Kits (up to $50)
· Hose Faucet Irrigation Controllers (up to $100)
· Rain Barrels (up to $75)
· Rain Sensor Shutoffs (up to $100)
· Smart Irrigation Controllers (up to $100)
· Toilet Repair Kits (up to $35)
For any questions about our conservation rebate program, please call (316) 268-4470 or visit for more information.
Who is eligible for the Wichita Water Conservation Rebate?
Rebates are available to customers who have active utility accounts with the Public Works & Utilities for the delivery of potable water. The application and submittal instructions are available at
To qualify for the rebate, Wichita residents submit an application to the city for approved water-saving devices or appliances that they’ve purchased in the current year – up to a limit of 5 rebated items per water customer. Rebates are available only until each year’s budget is exhausted.
You will need your receipt. Complete rebate terms are available on the application at the city website.
Applications can be found online at
What products qualify for the Water Conservation Rebate?
A list of qualifying brands and model numbers are available at, along with the application you’ll need to fill out to request the rebates. Rebates may not exceed the purchase price of qualifying items.
Do bring the printout with you when you’re shopping so that you can be sure you’re buying a qualifying appliance. Here are the general guidelines:
Items potentially eligible for a rebate:
- Low flow toilets or urinals
- High-efficiency dishwashers
- High-efficiency clothes washers
- Smart Irrigation Controllers
- Rain Sensor-Shutoffs
- Rain barrels
- Dual flush toilet conversion kits
The rebates range from $50 to $100, depending on the appliance. Again, be sure to visit the website to find lists of qualifying devices before you buy. The water rebate is available until the funds in the program have been exhausted.
For more information, please visit or email or contact the Water Conservation office (265-1300).