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On Thursday, April 19, the Sedgwick County Zoo opens its doors free-of-charge once again for Earth Day Kansas, a free environmental fair at the Sedgwick County Zoo. Activities designed for third- through fifth-graders will teach “about pollution, endangered species, emergency preparedness, weather, recycling, and much more,” according to Zoo staff.
Admission is free to everyone during the Earth Day Fair.
For more information, visit the Sedgwick County Zoo calendar.
Date: Thursday, April 19, 2011
Time: 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Sedgwick County Zoo
5555 Zoo Blvd.
Cost: Free
2 Responses
Does this mean that anyone can get in?
Yes! I just got an updated press release today that clarified that. Free admission to *anyone* — not just school groups. Thanks for asking!