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It is now officially Black Friday Deals Week at and am I ever glad. Personally, I don’t like waiting until the day after Thanksgiving to do my shopping, because I’d rather spend my weekend off in my jammies with coffee, turkey sandwiches, and a good book. (I use the free Kindle app on my phone, because I don’t have a fancy Kindle e-reader – which is fine, because I always have my phone!)
Every day this week, all day, Amazon will be rolling out special deals for you to cash in on. But you’ll want to be quick on those that are called “Lightning Deals,” because they go quickly. Many of these will be Prime eligible so if you’re a Prime member like I am, you’ll be able to get them in two days for free.
Not a Prime member? Sign up for a 30-day free trial. Now you are. Boom.
Hey, related article: How I read free ebooks from the Wichita Public Library.