Great Plains Nature Center: Free Events and Info

Great Plains Nature Center in Wichita is always FREE to visit. They provide opportunities for the public to investigate, understand, and develop an appreciation for wildlife. They have weekly FREE events and no registration is needed! Great for homeschoolers, kiddos who aren’t quite in school yet, or anyone else available in the morning hours. Chisholm […]
Moms Get in Free at Sedgwick County Zoo on Mother’s Day

Moms get free admission to the Sedgwick County Zoo when accompanied by a paying child on Mother’s Day.
Creature Feature at Great Plains Nature Center

Enjoy learning about different creatures outside with the Great Plains Nature Center! This event is great for kids of all ages! The naturalist-led programs will spotlight a different animal each month. They usually last about 40 minutes and are appropriate for all ages! Great Plains Nature Center asks that children are accompanied by an adult. […]
Moms Are Free at Sedgwick County Zoo
Related: The big BIG list of Mothers Day specials in Wichita And they also get free admission on Mother’s Day, May 9, 2010, when they’re accompanied by a paying child! 😀 For more information, visit the Sedgwick County Zoo calendar. Sedgwick County Zoo 5555 Zoo Blvd. 316-266-8386 Mother’s Day hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 […]