Sharing is caring!
On Thursday evening, the Sedgwick County Extension Office will hold a workshop for homeowners who are interested in installing a rain garden.
Rain gardens save you money by using the water that runs off your roof or driveway.
A rain garden is a landscape feature designed to capture stormwater. Water is diverted to the rain garden, soaks into the ground, and is taken up by plants instead of running into the storm drain. Rain Gardens promote better water quality and water conservation.
The DIY Rain Garden workshop will be from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 2, 2012. Cost for the workshop is only $5. Register at or call 316-660-0100.
A daytime workshop for professionals on Thursday includes lunch and is $15. Both workshops will be conducted by Lee Skabelund, ASLA, Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture and Regional & Community Planning at Kansa State University.